Friday 18 March 2011


Dear friends,

Welcome to my new blog. As some may know, I used to have another blog in which I would post a random variety of stuff... It was so random because I rarely took it seriously. I would deliberately post lame jokes (few weren't really lame), reciepies, fake interviews.. Though, sometimes I would post one or two personal matters that were indirectly serious in their nature.
However, I decided to have a new blog... Something that could go with the new/updated/refreshed personality that comes with a dramatic experience that has completely changed someone's life. In addition, being a semi professional and a post graduate student makes me want a blog that I might want to share with not just either people I care or don't care about, but also people in my field who I may have the chance to meet in my professional life, and would like to keep in touch with in a casual way. Ofcourse there is facebook, but my facebook profile isn't pretty or sane enough :D
My twitter, again I never took that seriously with mostly containing jokes that I tried to write... Jokes that were more like topical and insider than being epics.. If that makes sense!

Anyways, its 2:32 AM here in Christchurch, New Zealand... And I should go to bed because I need to wake up and work on my assignment in statistics in the morning!

Good night, and God bless...


  1. Yay am the first to comment..!! At first I thought you were out of the blogsphere but it's good to see you posting still..!!

  2. Hi Rummy :D
    No I was not out... I have been following but not posting lately.. Just didn't feel like it :D

    But hopefully I will be doing more bloging here now and then :)

    You are alright?:)

  3. Good to know you will be still blogging, keep updating this place more often :D

  4. Same thoughts as Rummy.. Nice to see another blog. Keep it alive, will you? And good luck in your studies.

  5. Nabsj, thanks for your msg... I sure will try my best to keep it updated.

    Kitten... Thanks. Are you still writing articles for newspapers n journals?
    If yes, are you keen on some charity work?

  6. Yes I'm still writing and I'd love to write about charity work.

  7. Oh great... Can i get your email please? I will email you with more details about what i have on mind..

  8. Click on my name, you'd find it under my blogger's profile picture.

  9. Good to see you blogging again! What you're doing sounds amazing, mashallah. Best of luck :)

  10. Hey Muggle.... Thanks, and nice to hear from you :)
    Btw, I like your avatar :p
